Monday, August 22, 2016

Come Join Us!

Luke is in 8th grade! This blog will chronicle his journey from today to graduation and we'd love to have you along for the ride! On the way, we hope to raise some funds for a scholarship to St. Mark's School. All we need is 500 of our closest friends to contribute $10 each! Click on the gofundme button to learn more.

St. Mark's is such a special place. Luke's parents (John and I) went there in the 60's and 70's. We have fond memories, and we think the school is even better today. A family atmosphere, great academics, and a strong Catholic identity all combine to provide an excellent, faith-filled education for our children.

Students have so many opportunities to get involved at St. Mark's. Luke is currently playing soccer, running cross country, and serving Mass. He also participates in the teen youth club and will be going on a mission trip to Tennessee next summer. There will be lots of fun stuff to report on in this blog!

In the meantime, let me assure you that all the cliches about time's swift travel are true. Children grow up so quickly. Hard for John and me to believe that the Boy-In-Bed-Two is 13-years-old, but so it is. We shake our heads in disbelief, but we've also learned a secret about the passing of time: Appreciate Each Moment! That's what we're going to do every day during this wonderful 8th grade year! Welcome!

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