Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Feast Day of St. Luke

The sky above St. Mark's this morning, October 18

Today, October 18, is the Feast Day of St. Luke the Evangelist. When the students all gathered for morning prayer in the gym, they learned that St. Luke traveled with St. Paul as they spread the Good News of Jesus. 

It didn't take John and I long to settle on the name Luke for our son. I had always liked the name and when I mentioned it to John, he liked it too. It seemed to fit. I also liked that Luke is the patron saint of physicians.

At Mass, Father Gifford told us that the poor and the role of women are two themes in Luke's gospel. Father Gifford also said that he didn't think that it was a coincidence that Pope Francis chose this year as the Year of Mercy when the liturgical cycle features the Gospel of St. Luke so prominently. Another name for Luke's gospel is the Gospel of Mercy. It makes sense that Luke, the physician, would highlight the healing power of God's mercy.

St. Luke at St. Mark's Church

We are happy that Luke has confirmed that his name is a good match for him by choosing it for his Confirmation name.

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