Friday, December 23, 2016

Ms. Ashleigh Koch: Music Teacher & Choir Director

The teachers at St. Mark's give so much of themselves to their students and the school. Ms. Ashleigh Koch, our music teacher and choir director, is a perfect example. 

Besides doing a fantastic job getting the students excited about music and singing, Ms. Koch is the choir director and music director of the spring musical. Below, she teaches the students the songs for last year's Seussical Jr.

This year's choir has 30 members, including five 8th grade boys, which is amazing and gratifying to 8th grade parents and others. This level of participation is a tribute to Ms. Koch's ability to inspire the students about music and singing. 

The past month has been a busy time for the choir. They sang in an Advent program for the Heading Avenue Sisters.

Then they performed at the Mayors' Christmas Party held at Sky Harbor. The mayors demand that the choir return each year!

They also performed at the Peoria Area Civic Chorale's "A Family Christmas" at Five Points in Washington, along with students from 13 other schools. 

Ms. Koch also directed the amazing Christmas Program at the School. Below, she tunes a ukulele before the sixth graders start their number.

Did I mention that she directs a different class each week in leading the singing for the all school Mass?

And sings like an angel, herself!

Ms. Koch dedicates a lot of time outside of the school day for rehearsal and community performances. Thanks to her effort and instruction, our students represent St. Mark's in an excellent manner. Equally important, the students are learning the joy and value of music in the world, in their lives, and as part of their faith. She who sings prays twice! Thank you Ms. Koch, for teaching our children to pray so well!

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