Tuesday, September 6, 2016

IMSA Fusion at St. Mark's!

We are so fortunate to have the Illinois Math and Science Academy's (IMSA) Fusion program at St. Mark's. IMSA is a residential high school in Aurora that is ranked one of the top 10 high schools in the nation for math and science. IMSA Fusion is their outreach program for students in 4-8 grades. St. Mark's is fortunate to be one of the participating schools. Many schools are on the waiting list for the program.

This is Luke's third year participating in IMSA Fusion. At the organizational meeting this evening, we learned that the two units that the students will study this year are: Medieval Science and Secret Communications. The Medieval period was ripe with scientific inventions. Secret Communications will focus on codes and encryption. The IMSA Fusion curriculum is designed to be inquiry based and problem centered. One of its goals is to teach students how to think.

At the meeting, Ms. Freeman our math teacher and Mrs. Martin our science teacher had us all participate in an experiment, constructing 3D structures with gum drops and tooth picks.

We then dipped our structures into dish soap.

The resulting bubbles were extremely cool and showed how water and soap do their own thing inside the structure. Can't wait to hear more about what Luke will be learning in IMSA Fusion!

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