Game show hosts Maddie Barth, Drew Conley, Edward & Fiona Tomlins |
We are fortunate at St. Mark's to have clergy who are excited to work with our children. From our Pastor Msgr. Browney to our associate Fr. Gifford to our two deacons, John Skender and Jim Heatwole, our children have wonderful, involved role models for the Christian life.
Fr. Gifford has taken on our youth ministry, and we are so happy Luke and other SMS students have this opportunity to develop their faith. Today we met at the school and after a potluck lunch, our high school students led us in a fun activity: the parent-child version of the Newlywed Game.
Yay! That is correct!
He also answered correctly my favorite university (University of Wisconsin--could have been Bradley too!) and my favorite compliment from him (Love you, mom!)
The other families present had an opportunity to play. When asked what she would do first with the money if she won the lottery, Jamie Stortz, mother of Sara and Ben, answered, "Give some to SMS." We love that answer!
After the game, a Bradley student gave a talk on the importance of family. Then the students broke off into small groups for discussion.
The parents went up to the library to listen to Fr. Gifford explain the plan and schedule for the youth group for the coming year.
We are looking forward to all that the youth group has to offer our students.
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